Thursday 6 May 2010


I actually have things that are starting to resemble pecs, I mean, theres like actual muscle there now which you can cup in your hand. WOO! Theres a thing! Now I just need to make em bigger. Hrrm hrrm hrrm. I guess I can do it slowly, but I am just so happy that its there and that I am starting to get stronger!

In 22 days hopefully they will be thing enough to be visible on camera, they are visible now but like, not defined. Or something.

Yay! A thing.

I've built some weights and some yoga warmup stretches into my routine now. Now the process takes about 40 minutes, and included pressups, crunches, weights, stretches, cardio and some light squats (because I don't want to fuck my knees up too bad). So its going good! Thats also not counting all the walking with the puppy and the general prancing around during daylight hours. Its going welllll!

Though I am much hungrier. Like. A lot more. Its kinda wierd. But I'm liking it. Sorta.

- SR

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