Wednesday 12 May 2010

Day 12: Okay so...

Yesterday was a total non-event. I can't work out if I am hungry, and it was my parents turn to cook. We ate at a quarter to twelve. For serious. So yeah, I'm gonna put a stop to that one in the name of pecs and abs, because I can't build muscle without fuel.

I think I need to up the number of reps I am doing even though I only just established the routine. I am doing everything the same as usual but I am just not feeling it. Normally 20 of one and 20 of the other would make me feel a definate burn but now its just like "oh... uhm wanna do ten more?". Saaa. 18 (workout) days till 1 month pics :O

Ahh bathtime: this and this are currently piquing my interest. - SR

1 comment:

  1. I agree that exercise is boring. You do feel pretty good though.
