Monday 15 March 2010

Day 5: Ka'mum'd

So mothering sunday was yesterday and somehow my entire weekend vanished into familyville. So even though I did do some skips on saturday, I didn't actually manage to do anything else until this morning, and my body is definately punishing me.

So the goal for the end of this week is to work up to 200 skips, which may have to be broken into two sessions to start off with. Today I got to 110, which felt a lot like being smacked in the lungs with a burning doormat. Though that was probably also something to do with the fact that I had to move off of the patio on account of one too many potted plants. Skipping on grass is harder. Because the rope likes to do this.

A lot.

If I can get to 200 skips and not die, I will make a video or something. =shrug=

Now I am going to grab a bath and watch the rest of this video.

- Essar

Friday 12 March 2010

Day 4: Mdolphins

So today was much easier, I actually felt Mdolphins from exuhcise. I was still totally out of breath and unable to go past 100 skips without feeling like my chest was on fire.

But I feel pretty good.

Who knew? All that stuff about healthy living might not have just been crap after all. And on that topic, I had a healthy living tortilla thing endorsed by David Beckham. Good, god that tasted like dust and chipboard. Why is healthy food so terrible? I took a few pictures so you can see exactly how good it looks, but I can't upload them yet. So I'll make a horror movie style slideshow for the sidebar over here at the weekend >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

In other news, this. I don't know why I am reading it but so far I don't hate it which has to be a good thing. Possibly. =shrug=

Its not terrible, anyway.

- Essar

Wait, wasn't this meant to be funny? Uhm. Link, link, link and link. There you go!

Thursday 11 March 2010


Woah. So the muscles that were hurting now are not, and a whole new different set has decided to say hello. Though they were probably hurting earlier too but my brain can only deal with so many limbs whining that they ache a lot.

So today the skips, pushups and stretches left me feeling like I was about to die from lack of air, which is really pathetic. I mean, I've had asthma since I was an infant but its never been so bad after such light exercise. That said, I am also still really weak after several things that happened last year. So I suppose its to be expected?


I have found that by breaking down my workout so that its in a near constant state from morning to night is actually much easier than doing it in one big go. Despite any mental images you might have just conjured, that doesn't mean that I am actually working out constantly. I do about 20 - 30 pushups at a time, spread out through the day, so I do some after I get up, some around eleven o clock, some after lunch, some in the evening and then some before bed if I am not totally wiped.

Today I did start pretty late though, I lost track of time whilst reading some stuff and ended up doing my first sets at eleven. Maybe that's why I felt so crappy. Ah well. Imma do more later, I think that I might actually be starting to like these little endorphin dohickeys.

Oh and also, for your entertainment and mine.

- Essar

Wednesday 10 March 2010

Day 2: 100 skips!

100 skips is my current nemesis, when I can get past this I will then move on to taking over a small European nation. Until then, I will continue to be unfit and skinny. Rargh!

Also, I have made a few changes to my diet recently and they have really started to have a positive effect on my brain and overall mood. I can think much more clearly, tend to be somewhat happier, and start arguments less. Its the sex effect, but permanently. So as it turns out these and regular hydration are pretty awesome for curing melancholy.

The cure for being emo is along the same lines as the cure for malnutrition. Or maybe not.

Today, I hurt less and its starting to feel good when I am running our of breath, and afterwards I don't feel "OMG KILL ME NOW" at all. This is probably just a lull, I hear tales of people finding hell about two weeks into these things. =shrug= we shall see! Maybe its just spring keeping my mood up.

Also Blazes wants me to stay ugly. He can never learn of the existence of this blog. Ever.
Especially 'cos I will be previewing part of his present here when I get to the four month mark!

- Essar