Tuesday 25 May 2010

Day 20: Late

Yesterday I only did a light workout, but today I did a full one, but I didn't get time to do the blog until just now, aaaaand now its time to sleep. I'll do two or three days fine and then have a day where its really difficult to work out, not because I am tired but because I just don't feel like it. This could be because results day for my recent hospital appointment is tomorrow, but it might not be. I dunno.


Today's workout was nearly the full one that I posted earlier, though I keep missing bits out, I am getting closer to having a perfect routine for my body. I have added a new kind of situp to the core section which will apparently flatten my abs more, and I have also added a cardio section to the weights using my lightest pair.

So theres progress being made :D

My flex pecs are getting a lot bigger, and its starting to show when I am not flexed, my tshirts drape now which is nice. My abs are also starting to show a little bit, theres still a reserve of fat on my stomach but when I am moving around and doing stuff the shadow of the pecs is starting to show through, my six pack should be perfectly symmetrical and quite large. Oh my.

Things are goin good towards the pride toplessness! Pictures in ten workout days! Woooo!

- SR

Sunday 23 May 2010

Day 19: Flextorals

I've gotten into an odd kind of habit I never thought I would ever have. I am now prone to wanton flexing of my pecs and then gazing at my reflection in various surfaces. So either at some point I fell in love with myself, or this is part of the whole body toning process. Probably more of a than b.

Bleh. My body is in kind of a transitional phase at the moment. I can feel things being built in my stomach region but nothing is emerging from the flat yet. Since I am trying to get used to being topless by being topless, I have noticed that my two uppermost abdominals are emerging first, and that the two little gullies either side of each hip bone have returned (they vanished last year when I was really sick). Yeah I have no idea.

I have to go draw comics now because I was outside all day and not doing what I was supposed to be doing. But it was so nice I couldn't stay indoors! Though the heat has meant that I am drinking a lot more, I am suprised I haven't started to bloat from water retention yet.

- SR

Hrrm this was supposed to be entertaining. I'll work on that.

Saturday 22 May 2010

Day 18: (Part two) Baked Potato

With my newfound gymspiration I found that working out became more of a focused thing than a "hey I want to do this today because its fun and I like it". However I forgot to factor in the heat. Bleh! Apparently summer is going to be much hotter than our current heatwave, so I am going to start working out in the morning. Around about 9 - 10 am the house is still quite cool, and theres plenty of time to get hydrated and take a cool bath or shower.


I was so overheated I wasn't even able to complete a full workout session, I started getting cramps in my obliques so I had to stop early on my core workout and move onto the weights and final cardio. The cramps have gone now, but I seriously thought that I was going to pop like a sausage.

Speaking of I think its grilled food and salad tomorrow. Lush.

- SR

Day 18: (Part one) Gymspiration!

Okay so I am double posting today. I lost motivation due to fear over the results of an STI test, though now that I have had the test done, I am much calmer and able to actually function again. My day for taking the one month pictures has now moved but that might work out a bit better because now I have found some new inspiration for working out.

Today I was at Bradford Pride, and its a shame that I didn't take any pictures of him, but there was a dancer on stage. He had the body type which I want, and not only was he not super camp but kind of masculine, he was also a hypnotic dancer, and I spent at least three songs just staring at him with admiration.

One day I will do that.

My next goal is to be able to go topless in public for at least a little bit during Leeds Pride, so before then I am going to make sure that I build my pecs to a decent size and get some definition on my abs as well as a little colour into my skin. If the current heatwave continues that will be awesome and entirely possible.

I have until August. Two months to achieve the results I want? Bring it!

- SR

Another post later with todays post-workout show. Oh my.

Tuesday 18 May 2010

Day 17: Juuust not feeling it.

I was just not in the mood today. I tried, but things weren't loosening or warming up and the mdolphins just weren't swimming. Its probably related to anxieties about friday. Anyway heres the before pic I was too self conscious to show you before:

Aaaand I think I know why my ex and I didn't have sex at all really in the final months. Or ever. Great.
I wish I could fast forward through the gum clinic testing and just get to the results and have them be good ARGH! I hate this bit. I always stress out and ruin everything. I'll try with some stretches later. Bleh. ... I need a hug.

- SR

Monday 17 May 2010

Day 16: Extra bits

Ahh I have a new favourite shirt. Its a small I <3 NY tee and it fits me perfectly and shows my workout lumps. Though it has a hole on the chest where the puppy decided he would jump up and give me a hug. I am six foot one, he is like a viper or something. ANYWAY, today I tried out a whole buncha new things and I am now breaking down my routine into the following handy blocks:

Making sure that I stretch all the muscle groups that I am going to be working out properly, stretch for a count of twelve pushes each time, or for 20 seconds. The stretches take about 2 or 3 minutes and can be done in isolation to increase flexibility.

Deep stretching/yoga-
At the moment, I am doing the tree pose, the crescent pose, the lord of the dance pose and the sun salutation. It takes about 5 to 10 minutes and limbers everything up, though I can't do the sun salutation properly yet so I need to do more stretching sessions in my day to make things looser. If I ever manage to put my face between my knees chances are the Mayans were onto something.

Cardio warmup-
During this section I am targeting my torso, legs and sides whilst maintaining movement at a regular speed. There are names for some of the things that I do, but really it just blends into a hyper moment where I prance around and look a bit ponsy.

Twist crunches
Slow Squats
Slow Squats
Twist crunches

20 of each, short break in between.

Butterfly lifts
Uhm... kinda lungey things? I'm not sure. Its all a bit sparkly, but its fun so yeah. I'll try and find a video for the next post or something.

Unicorns would do it. I'm just saying.

Core 2-
Sideways leg lifts (20 on each side)
Pass-the-pillow. Again, I will try and find a video, you're meant to do it with a Swiss ball but eh. Basically you have to hold something between your ankles, and pass it to your hands without bending your knees or lifting your butt of the floor OR you shoulders. Its easy at first but by the end of the first set you want to kill someone. Totally worth it though. It gets the deep muscles in your stomach all toasty and warm.

Dance! Woo! Two tracks, both six minutes, the rules of the game are that you cannot stop moving from the start to finish of each track, and you also have to move every muscle group. So you kinda look like a spazz, its not something I would do in a club, but it improves your breathing and your stamina. It is also a really good warm-down.

Stretch everything you worked out again and massage places which are a bit sore or feeling laggy. Make sure you don't leave any knots or sore spots. Continue this one in the shower too.

Oh and as an extra thing, today whilst playing with the dog I totally decked it. At high speed, flat on my face. Didn't feel it though. Two months ago I would have been bruised for about a month haha but I just got up and was perfectly fine. I didn't know working out made you less vulnerable, but maybe someone should have said something about that.

There's a chance I wasn't listening if they did.


Who listens to wooden tops anyway? :P

Sunday 16 May 2010

Day 15: I meant to do this yesterday-

-but I was too drunk. Ahh man it felt soo good to let go and get completely hammered. Unfortunately all that plonk is still in my system, and I can't even do a push-up right now without meandering on the way up so I have to wait till I return to sobriety. Ahh~ I talked to the boy I like all night.

And THIS and THIS and also THIS.


Oh right this is about exercise. Uhm. I discovered that I have a really bouncy bed. When I switched to doing situps on the floor (I had to wait until I had accumulated enough of a butt so that I wasn't scraping my spine out on the carpet), so now 20 situps is kinda difficult, but on the bed its way too easy. I wonder how much of my sexual prowess is down to this matress and its bounce.

Well my ex didn't complain.

But my neighbour did.


- SR

Friday 14 May 2010

Day 14: The ferryman is a right cheeky-

So yesterday was pretty hard what with both lungs full of crap. But I managed to cough most of that up today so I am feeling less dead. I think exercising might have helped but I am not sure, as honestly last night I felt like sleeping for about a decade. Now I gotta go and do some stuff, but tomorrow I will make some sort of entertainments in this page hole for your enjoyment holes.

Or something.

- SR

Oh! Last night I had a cough sweet that tasted of pure ass. It was disgusting. The aftertaste was also so strong it managed to make columbian coffee taste like chicken-cuppa-soup. There were no croutons.

16 days till pictures!

Thursday 13 May 2010

Day 13: Can I have my lung back?

Ahh mum. You know how she greeted me today? "Oh, maybe you have consumption". Thats nice. She also told me I looked like a corpse and that I should be in bed. After working out today, I think I should be in a morgue.


Exercising through the flu was much easier than this.

- SR

No links today, but I might embed a funeral video tomorrow. You know, gotta continue them themes.

Wednesday 12 May 2010

Day 12: Okay so...

Yesterday was a total non-event. I can't work out if I am hungry, and it was my parents turn to cook. We ate at a quarter to twelve. For serious. So yeah, I'm gonna put a stop to that one in the name of pecs and abs, because I can't build muscle without fuel.

I think I need to up the number of reps I am doing even though I only just established the routine. I am doing everything the same as usual but I am just not feeling it. Normally 20 of one and 20 of the other would make me feel a definate burn but now its just like "oh... uhm wanna do ten more?". Saaa. 18 (workout) days till 1 month pics :O

Ahh bathtime: this and this are currently piquing my interest. - SR

Monday 10 May 2010

Day 11: Flex em if you got em.

Ueee! Things are looking good for the month mark pictures. Well technically two months, but only a month of blogging. Or something. ANYWAY! I now have pecs, its semi-official. Theres something gropable when I flex, and when I jump theres now a jiggling sensation on my chest which has never been there before so its kind of special. My arms are also starting to show signs of changing, as is my butt from all the cardio!

I am going to work some more yoga into my daily block now so that I can get all my stretching done as deeply as possible. I still don't feel stiff after working out, but I also still can't do a Sun Salutation pose so I gotta long way to go. Don't ask me why I want to be able to put my face between my knees whilst standing. ... Or don't you need to? Maybe I like the view like that? Who knows. Though now its occurred to me I am totally going to try that whilst doing the deed haha!

Disturbing mental pictures aside, my cardio is going pretty well. With the combination of chasing the puppy and doing 5+ minutes of dance related stuff after working out I am finding that my stamina is improving dramatically, as is the amount of energy I have for things what involve thinking. My lungs are better, my breath is clearer, my voice is louder (or would be if this sore throat hadn't crept up from nowhere)...

All I gotta do now is go to the GUM clinic and put my mind at ease about other things, too.


Dating men is more trouble than its worth. I'm seriously considering going chaste. For reeeels!
- SR

Afterthought, my hydration has suffered lately... I need to work on that. Or rather, I need to drink more now that my body is building muscle, but I forgot to up my intake. Or maybe its just the sore throat. ... Saaa...

Sunday 9 May 2010

Day 10: Uhm

So yesterday sort of dissapeared in a blur of various things and I somehow ended up not working out. So that sucked. Though I didn't do nothing, I totally racked up a good 8000+ steps on my pokewalker AND found a hyper potion, so I am pretty much set for life on those boons.

Today was a festival thing, so I've been walking around town a lot, and also this:
So yah. That was pretty fun, though I didn't walk the dog today, but I did play with him outside for a bit. Same routine as yesterday, though I thought maybe I should spell it out. This is my current main block of exercise:
- Stretches and light cardio + some yoga that I can do without snapping anything.
- 20 pushups
- 20 crunches
- 20 pushups
- 20 crunches
- 20 long arm butterflies (?) I don't know how to describe it really, but I am on my back on a bench and my arms are fully extended, with weights. Then I raise them from below the bench level to meet above me, as slowly as possible.
- 20 regular butterflies... like the previous but with bent arms, kind of like the way you use the machine in the gym.
- 20+ situps (until I feel like my abs are no longer my friend)
- 20+ pressups (same as above but with pecs and arms)
- 6 - 10 minutes of Cardio as a warm down

So far I haven't pulled anything so it seems to be working, and there are definate gains, and I feel pretty spectacular.

19 days until the 1 month picture! ... Is anyone even reading this? XD - SR

Friday 7 May 2010

Day 9: Well what the hell do you do with these?

I used to have pretty amazing legs and a butt that was bouncy and delicious, but since walking 2 miles up and down hill every day is no longer a necessity, I'm finding it difficult to exercise them properly. Now that my routine is starting to have changes I can feel on my upper torso, I don't want to leave my legs un-challenged, because having a ripped top half and a reedy bottom half is totally lame-o.

I mean, they get a pretty good workout when I do my cardio, which at the moment consists of chasing a dog around a field trying to get whatever is in his mouth, and about 5 minutes of dancing as a warmdown. But I really want to do something which specifically targets them. I will have to look something up.

Today I feel pretty good. I actually catch myself smiling when I am working out now. Though I could do with a neck massage... for serious.

I wonder if this grinning thing has anything to do with my crush...

- SR

Thursday 6 May 2010


I actually have things that are starting to resemble pecs, I mean, theres like actual muscle there now which you can cup in your hand. WOO! Theres a thing! Now I just need to make em bigger. Hrrm hrrm hrrm. I guess I can do it slowly, but I am just so happy that its there and that I am starting to get stronger!

In 22 days hopefully they will be thing enough to be visible on camera, they are visible now but like, not defined. Or something.

Yay! A thing.

I've built some weights and some yoga warmup stretches into my routine now. Now the process takes about 40 minutes, and included pressups, crunches, weights, stretches, cardio and some light squats (because I don't want to fuck my knees up too bad). So its going good! Thats also not counting all the walking with the puppy and the general prancing around during daylight hours. Its going welllll!

Though I am much hungrier. Like. A lot more. Its kinda wierd. But I'm liking it. Sorta.

- SR

Wednesday 5 May 2010

Day 7: Walk with me a minute

I think I'm enjoying the pokewalker a little bit too much given that I'm already 22 years old. I activated it last night and I've done about 6800 steps, though quite a few of them are actually shakes because I cheated. My mareep is called Ginny. It is adorable. I didn't do much cardio today because it was miserable and wet, which shouldn't really be an excuse but meh.

I got to walk the dog and a pokemon so that was pretty cool.

I am such a nerd.

Not happy, Jan!

- SR

Tuesday 4 May 2010

Day 6: Puppy!

Puppies are not helpful when you're trying to do much of anything really, but at least now I am getting a pretty good cardio workout trying to stop him from eating poop or anything else he finds on the ground. There should be a thing to explain how to not get tangled up in leads, or maybe just a warning saying "oh hey btw if your dog can run faster than Usain Bolt, then you're gonna be tripped up by this stretchy cord thing like, a lot. Not even a little a lot, a lot a lot.

So yeah, I recovered from the bad milk incident pretty well and I haven't lost any strength due to it which is an extra bonus. I am now up to about 40 pressups and situps a day, with about 30 minutes of cardio spread out from whenever-the-puppy-stops-trying-to-join-in to whenever-I-go-to-bed-at-the-moment. I know its not like, amazing but its more than I could do a year ago. Or a month ago... or a week ago.

Maaan I'm so weak.

- SR

Monday 3 May 2010


My dad decided to poison everyone again because "use by" dates are apparently "just a big con". So all weekend I've been feeling reeeeeeeeeeeally rough and exercising just made it worse. I've been doing like a fraction of my weekday stuff but at least I haven't stopped.

So yeah, hopefully this will get out of my system soon.