Tuesday 4 May 2010

Day 6: Puppy!

Puppies are not helpful when you're trying to do much of anything really, but at least now I am getting a pretty good cardio workout trying to stop him from eating poop or anything else he finds on the ground. There should be a thing to explain how to not get tangled up in leads, or maybe just a warning saying "oh hey btw if your dog can run faster than Usain Bolt, then you're gonna be tripped up by this stretchy cord thing like, a lot. Not even a little a lot, a lot a lot.

So yeah, I recovered from the bad milk incident pretty well and I haven't lost any strength due to it which is an extra bonus. I am now up to about 40 pressups and situps a day, with about 30 minutes of cardio spread out from whenever-the-puppy-stops-trying-to-join-in to whenever-I-go-to-bed-at-the-moment. I know its not like, amazing but its more than I could do a year ago. Or a month ago... or a week ago.

Maaan I'm so weak.

- SR

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