Tuesday 27 April 2010

Day 2: Attempt two!

Puppies!Dogs are not helpful when you're trying to work out at home, especially when they thing that catching your skipping rope mid air and tripping you over with it is the best game. Fecking dog.


My basic routine now includes pressups, situps and cardio. I do 20 pressups, then 20 situps and then repeat until my arms are telling me that we will not be on speaking terms if this continues. I aim to do the pressups and situps as slowly as possible as I have read somewhere that 20 slow pressups has much more effect than 20 fast pressups. That could be wrong though, I'll let you know if I survive. After I've finished torturing my muscles, I torture my lungs with either skipping or some light jogging. I am still weak from the infections last year, so I can't go very far with either at the moment, but I am in a much better place now than I was at the start of March. Eventually I want to work weights and much longer cardio sessions into my workout on a weekly basis.

Though running with a puppy on a lead is not at all fun, I got my pet degus a running wheel at the weekend and I am entirely jelous. I want a treadmill so bad, but I don't have the money or the space, though a full sized version of this probably wouldn't be much cheaper or take up less space.
I'm starting to get all full up with cold, so I am hoping that by exercising I can minimise the impact, but knowing my luck it will probably make me feel a lot worse. Ahh well.

Also, how did I miss this song? V V Brown is awesome, but its been out for two years? I stopped listening to the radio before christmas, but I didn't realise that I was this behind on music. Rubbish. - SR

PS! If you have any comments or suggestions for working out, then please feel free to leave them here.

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